Friday 28 March 2014


Controversial Ghanaian musician, Wanlov da
Kubolor, has slammed boxer Ayittey Powers for
running to Prophet T.B. Joshua’s Synagogue
Church of All Nations (SCOAN) to seek
deliverance ahead of the much-anticipated bout
with Bukom Banku.
In an interview with 'News-One', the barefoot-
walking musician said he considered Ayittey
Powers as a “weak spirited” boxer who deserves
whipping from Bukom Banku.
“I would not have cared if Bukom or Powers won
till Powers went to Joshua. Now, I want Bukom
to lash him with a cane, power is a weak
spirited boxer,” he sated.
The Kubolor man wondered why the popular
boxer has suddenly turned to God for succor as
if he did not know God existed before.
Who told him God cares about boxing or soccer?”
Wanlov asked rhetorically, noting with emphasis
that “boxing and religion is not part of it.”
Ayittey Powers went through a drama-filled
deliverance session at Prophet T.B. Joshua’s
Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) in
Nigeria during one of their Sunday services.
He flew all the way from Ghana to Nigeria to
seek divine intervention before the much-
promoted fight with Bukom Banku, another
load-mouthed boxer.
That move, according to Wanlov, was a sign of
weakness on the part of powers. “I support
Bukom Banku in this bout. A boxer needs plenty
training, strength and small luck,” he added.
The bout which has been nicknamed ‘Judgement
Night’ was slated for April 18, 2014, at the Accra
Sports Stadium.
Meanwhile, another day has been set for the
fight, and according to reports, it is May 2.

Source: News one

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