Saturday 29 March 2014

Kojo Antwi sacked from GHAMBRO

The Association of Music Right Owners (AMRO.GH)
, an association made of Ghanaian musicians, has
sacked highlife music maestro, Kojo Antwi, as its
“The executive and general membership of AMRO
have decided to withdraw Kojo Antwi from the
GHAMRO board because we are not satisfied with
his performance,” a letter dated March 20, 2014,
signed by C.K Morrison and J.A Adofo, chairman
and vice chairman of AMRO respectively stated.
The letter, which was copied to the Board
Chairman of GHAMRO, however did not state
reasons behind AMRO’s decision to kick out Kojo
C.K Morrison, chairman of AMRO in a chat with
BEATWAVES last Thursday, disclosed that the
association’s decision to sack Kojo Antwi from
GHAMRO board was based on Kojo Antwi’s failure
to furnish the leadership of the association with
information on GHAMRO’s activities, as well his
irregular attendance to meetings, among others.

Source: Daily Guide

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