Saturday 18 January 2014

Efya beats good lyrics into ‘Forgetting Me’

The last time we enjoyed a lovely ballad from Efyawas when she surprised us with ‘this is not the’ (T.I.N.T) Album.

Instantly, she told us that the tracks that will succeed will be masterpieces and brilliant tunes that will keep us in her fold.

‘Forgetting Me’, released last week Saturday amidst a live performing session introduced us to a different Efya as we patiently wait for the “Love Genesis”.

Eclectically produced to suit her voice, she lays her vocals bidding her time to burst into a lovely tune.

Selling a lover’s fond memories of a lost one, she tries to resurrect the feelings that brought them together the first time and if there is any chance of a comeback.

The One Nation crooner takes her time to deliver a performance that will surely land her an award this year.

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