Monday 28 October 2013

Dr. Conrad Murray A Free Man Again

Dr. Conrad Murray is a FREE MAN … after
serving a 2-year jail sentence for killing
Michael Jackson … and Murray didn’t spend an
extra minute in jail. According to the L.A.
County Sheriff’s Dept. … Murray was released
at 12:01 AM Monday — however, he did not
make a triumphant walk out of jail …
choosing, instead, to sneak out away from
photogs who had gathered. By remaining
unseen … Murray obviously knows he raises
the price tag of that coveted first interview
with him. A group of hecklers was clearly
irritated they were not permitted to voice
their disdain face-to-face — and took it out on
Murray’s lawyer, Valerie Wass. As for why the
L.A. County Sheriff’s Dept. made the
accommodation to keep Murray’s release
secret … all they would say is “safety” and
“security.”The good doc has been locked up
since November ’11 after being convicted of
manslaughter. He was sentenced to 4 years in
prison … but 2 is normal for a 4-year
sentence.As we previously reported … Murray
plans to try and get his medical license back in
Nevada and block revocation in California –
our sources say he doesn’t stand a chance.
He’s also looking to hire a publicist once he’s
out — to help change his image.Freedom will
clearly also have its challenges

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