Saturday 30 November 2013

Elikem Denies Bonking Odartey Lamptey’s Wife!+Photos

Promising Fashion Designer/Actor and one of two Ghana’s representative at this year’s Big Brother Africa reality television show, Elikem Kumordzi, has denied ever bonking former Black Stars player Odartey Lamptey’s wife, Gloria.
Elikem has reacted to some revelations made Thursday, November 28, on rumour segment “Akika kika” on Okay FM’s drive time program “Ekwanso dwodwo” hosted by Abeiku Santana. The program alleged that Elikem had been having a secret affair with the footballer’s wife even before he went into the Big Brother house in May this year.
They further alleged that Elikem may possibly be the father to at least one of the three children who have become “fatherless” for now, after Odartey Lamptey disclosed on radio that a DNA test he subjected himself to reveals he is apparently not the father of all his three kids.
He flatly rejected the claims, suggesting the equation doesn’t add up, and even went ahead to throw a jab at those spreading the rumors calling them “fools”.
Elikem who is currently in Namibia, broke his silence barely twenty fours after Lamptey went public over his wife’s infidelity of some 20 years. He sent his reaction via social media on twitter this morning punching holes into the allegations; he adds that he must be some “gangster” of gigantic proportions to achieve that.
“So fools. Do the math. Even if I was with sam1 for 5 years how am I the father of a 10yr old. Kwasia. means I was 15. Den am gangster. Lmao.”
In a Friday morning rant, he went on further to suggest he’s never heard of the name Odartey lamptey, saying he was for the first time going to google him today.
To Abeiku Santana he said “Ok. It’s comn to me nw. thats d guy who said things against his wife just 2 divorce her. Then went on to marry anoda rite away? Leme google him”.
“Father of someone’s children?? That ABEIKU SANTANA is doing his job. Its how he feeds his family,” he added.
Kumordzi’s denial comes after several fingers were pointed at him, and some other persons including a former teammate of Mr. Lamptey, as fathers of the children.
The former Anderlecht player says he’s had reason to question the paternity of their three children.
“…I thought they were my children but upon a DNA test, I got know they are not biological children. “The issue is in court so I’m pleading – because it is a legal issue I don’t want to go through so many things, but I am 100% sure that the children are not mine after 20-years”. Odartey Lamptey disclosed yesterday on Neat 100.9’s “Me Man Nti,” hosted by Adakabre Frimpong Manso. “We had five children but two passed away so it is left with only 3,” he added.
Lamptey’s wife, Gloria, has since filed for divorce.
On the other hand, Elikem is in a seemingly serious relationship with Zimbabwean housemate, Pokello, who has been very supportive in Elikem’s fashion career after they came out of the BBA house. Pokello who modeled for her loverboy Elikem at the just-ended Glitz Africa Fashion Week in Accra has not commented on the issue yet, but it is quite clear this may affect their growing relationship.
Keep reading for more information as the story unfolds.

The tweets from Elikem 

Another tweet from Elikem to Abeiku Santana 

Elikem hit at Abeiku Santana 

Scandal Hits Elikem 

Elikem the Tailor 



Gloria in her car 

Wife of Nii Odartey Lamptey 

Mrs. Gloria Lamptey 


Nii Odartey Lamptey 

The BBA couple 

Pokello and Elikem 


Wednesday 27 November 2013

Shatta Wale Goes ‘Mad’!..He Threatens To Sue Graphic Showbiz If….

Reigning Dancehall King “Inna de whole Ghana'', Shatta Wale and his Shatta Movement crew, are very furious after reports that African Dancehall King Samini outshined him on stage at the just ended “Guinness Big Eruption Concert” which took place at the Accra Sports Stadium on Saturday, November 23 2013.
Speaking in an exclusive interview on Neat 100.9 FM’s sensational talk show “Me Man Enti”, hosted by Adabre Frimpong Manso, the “Enter the net” hit maker vented his anger on the leading entertainment newspaper in Ghana “Graphic Showbiz” warning them not to publish anything about him again, and even went ahead to threaten court action, if the well-respected paper decides to go against his warning.
“Like what Graphic Showbiz has written, I can say in my life that I don’t want any publication from Graphic Showbiz again in my life, because when I find it I can sue them. I don’t need them to hype me; I don’t need them to say anything about me. They are nobody”, he stated with so much anger.
Shatta Wale, formerly known as Bandana’s reaction came after two different reports on the event (One from Graphic Showbiz and one from Daily Graphic) were published on Monday November 25, stating categorically that “Rising music sensation, Shatta Wale, left many of his fans livid after he failed to live up to the challenge of the durable Samini at the Guinness Eruption Concert Saturday night, at the Accra Sports Stadium” (Quoted from a Daily Graphic report by Issac Yeboah).
Another report was published on the front page of Monday’s edition of Graphic Showbiz by Francis Doku, with the headline “Samini Floors Shatta Wale”.
Shatta Wale was also not happy about the fact that he is always being compared to Samini, siting that as one of the reasons why he can’t stop using certain unprintable words on his competitor.
He blamed the media for creating that unnecessary competition between him and Samini. “I will only do that when people stop comparing me and Samini in this industry because what I am doing is different from what he is doing. So that is why people have to talk to him and his people and others is in the media, that they should stop comparing me to him”, he stated when a panel member on the show, told him to try and stop using swear words.
He emphasized that for as long as he is being compared to Samini, he would always come hard to make his fans happy. “When they rate me and him like that, I will always make sure that his fans feel bad because my fans also feel bad when they hear him or his fans also saying things about me which I can’t stand, and not defend my fans”.
Asked if he thinks he was able to use the big platform to enhance his music career, Shatta said “Well I used it the best way I could use it”, adding that an official of Guinness, sponsors of the show, spoke to his management and that of Samini not perform any of their “Diss” songs on stage, so he tried as much as he can to put up a “clean show”.
The man of the moment said he only made certain statements on stage because he needed to clear some things that had been said about him. “It was just that those comparison and other things that people were saying about me, I had to clear it on stage”.
Reacting to reports that his family is not too happy about some of his utterances and his attitude in general, Shatta Wale said “Do you know my father came to the show with me? My father actually gave me security and convoy. My father gave me his brand new Jaguar to come to the Guinness show”.
Shatta also disclosed that his father applauded him after his performance and gave him an amount of $3,000 to go for shopping for a good job done. He denied allegations that he was sacked from home because he is a troublesome boy, and stating that his family is aware that he is a straight forward person and they are happy about it.
Before last Saturday’s concert, most people thought the unrest between Shatta Wale and Samini was going to be over and done with but from what is going on now, it appears the game is just begging as is reliably informed that a major Accra based Radio Station is planning another Samini and Shatta Wale showdown event, this Christmas.
Source: Eugene Osafo-Nkansah/

Saturday 23 November 2013

Samini is old enough and must behave as such - Shatta Wale

Ghanaian dancehall artist Shatta Wale formerly known as Bandana has described High Grade Family artist Samini as a grown up and must behave as such.

Breaking the silence on the unending feud that seems to get most entertainment pundits worried on E Talk, an entertainment TV Show hosted by Amanda Jissih, Shatta Wale disclosed he has always respected Samini and even gave a hearty apology live on stage during the BASS Awards just to make peace with the said artist only to be hit with another diss song.

Asked why he would not turn a deaf ear to some of the issues and diss songs targeted at him and would reply such comments with songs within a short while, he answered saying; I reply such songs with the same swiftness as a lion would when its tail is stepped upon. I am a straight forward person and I speak my mind just as others do.

Speaking of possible ways of solving the feud, Shatta Wale disclosed he finds it disturbing for the industry and only wished Samini would behave maturely, in such ways the feud would be solved.

“When you have a musician who doesn’t want you to eat and will tell event organizers not to put you on the same show, that is bad. If you don’t want me to eat, then I will make sure you also don’t eat!!”

Meanwhile, attempts are being made by the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA) to resolve the feud between the two biggest dancehall artists in Ghana at the moment.

Friday 22 November 2013

Nana Ama Shaves Sakora

Not too many actresses would completely shave their hair for a movie role but Nana Ama McBrown has just done that. She has shaved all her hair in a movie called Atemmuo (Judgement) which will be released at the end of December.
In the movie, Nana Ama shaved her hair for a trial by ordeal where she needed to prove her innocence in the death of her husband.
“I wanted to make the movie look real so I shaved all my hair. It was my first time of going completely bald in a movie,” she said.
“Although it is not out yet, I can boldly say that Atemmuo is one of the best movies I have ever shot in my acting career. I entreat everyone to grab a copy when it comes out” Nana Ama told Showbiz in an interview.
She wouldn’t, however, disclose how much she was paid to shave it all off for the role though she hinted the amount was attractive. “Yes, the money was very good but I did not shave for the money. I shaved my hair because I wanted the film to be as real as possible. I wouldn’t mind going bald again if the storyline and the money involved are good,” she added.
Asked how she felt now that the filming of Atemmuo was over and her hair was yet to grow back, the actress said she had actually killed two birds with one stone.
“My hair has started growing and I have even done another movie called School Girl with it. I feel good wearing my hair this way. I have decided not to wear a wig. I just want it to grow naturally and I am cool with that.”
Talking about the movie, Nana Ama said her poor mason husband couldn’t do without staking lotto. She constantly advised him to stop staking lotto but the very day he decided to heed her advice, he won a huge sum. They therefore left the village for the big city to start life afresh.
Out of hatred, her sister-in-law, Bruwaa played by Amanda Jissih, plans to kill her but instead kills her own brother. Nana Ama is accussed of killing her husband and has to shave her hair as she goes through trial by ordeal to prove her innocence. Atemmuo also features Lil Win and Akrobeto

Ghana's Roselyn Ashkar stands out in Africa’s Next Top Model contest

Ghana's representative in the Africa's Next Top Model (ANTM) contest, Roselyn Ashkar is steadily winning the hearts of many with her perfect physique and her striking good looks.

Roselyn has been highly tipped to beat eleven other contestants selected from various countries across the African Continent in the contest being filmed in South Africa.

Roselyn and the other contestants were thrown in at the deep end with their first assignment - a video shoot for the opening sequence for Africa’s next Top Model.

The girls did not even have a chance to settle down, their first challenge was a transformation by the international style Guru Carl Isaacs which left some of the models unimpressed with their new look.

Judge and photographer, Remi Adetiba, directed the ladies for the shoot, whilst Aamito from Uganda and Michaela from Angola seemed to excel under Remi’s direction other girls found it harder to get into the groove.

At the end of the show four girls had to stand before Oluchi for elimination, two were sent home in the end Steffi from Kenya and Marwa from Tunisia.

Next week the girls will get a taste of the JetSet model life, things get exciting as they fly to Johannesburg to cover their first fashion show.

Friday 8 November 2013

Kumasi to host Edem, M.I, Reggie, Pat Thomas, others on Nov. 9

On 9th November 2013, Oseikrom, Kumasi will be on fire as Glo presents the hottest, loudest and biggest Music jam to hit Kumasi, the Glo Slide n Bounce tour.

The event will be held live at the Jubilee Park from 7pm.

Rocking the microphone from Nigeria will be M.I. , Wande Coal. Hiplife sensation Edem and Asem will also be holding it down.

High-life legend Pat Thomas and the energetic Sherifa Gunu shall also mount the stage to thrill Oseikrom.

Okey Bakassi the comedy king and Grandpapa himself Reggie Rockstone will hold the party down as MCs and DJ Black will be there to spice it up behind the turn-tables.

For your invite to the show, recharge GHS 5 or more on your Glo line and SMS “KUMASI” to 5301. SMS is free. Go get a Glo SIM now and be part of the biggest show to rock Kumasi.

The Kumasi event precedes upcoming shows in Accra (16th November) and Takoradi (23rd November).

Get ready to party like never before.

Thursday 7 November 2013

Jim Iyke will suffer… - Nadia Buari’s mother

For leading Ghanaian actress, Nadia Buari on and making her believe he would settle down with her, and finally breaking her heart, Nigerian actor, Jim Iyke will suffer untold hardship, according to the mother of the heart-broken Nadia, Hajia Buari.

The love birds were so close and appeared so much in love and everyone thought that it was just a matter of time before they tie the knot, until Jim posted on his Twitter handle that he was not going to marry the Ghanaian beauty, while Nadia herself responded by deleting Jim’s pictures from her Instagram account.

After the celebrated break-up, Hajia Buari, according to a Ghanaian entertainment site, had this to say: “They were great together. They were like a couple and we thought they were heading for the altar. She was very connected to him.”

“She has talked to me about getting married and having children. She plans on settling down but not right now. She has to focus on her career. That Nigerian boy will suffer for daring to break my baby’s heart,” another source in Ghana quoted the angry Hajia Buari as saying

Tuesday 5 November 2013

PHOTO: Nana Aba Anamoah Spotted In Bikin

You’ve surely not seen Nana Aba Anamoah in a Bikini before. Have you?
Okay, so courtesy her friend Yvonne Okoro, who shared this hot photo of her in a Bikini, online, you get to see those curves.
The picture must have been taken on the French Island of Bora Bora, per the description that came with Okoro’s post on Facebook.

Which of the Nadia Buaris want me dead? – Van Vicker

Scary reports started spreading yesterday morning that reigning Actor of the Year Van Vicker was involved in a life threatening accident on his way to church on Sunday.

“Ghollywood/Nollywood actor Van Vicker had a very terrible accident this morning on his way to church. He’s suffering from internal bleeding gushing out through the mouth, the doctors said he may lose his life but we do not agree. Let us pray; O Lord we join hands today and decree that you save his life today, we believe that you can heal him in the mighty name of Jesus. Please type ‘Amen’ if you wish him quick recovery”, was the report put out on a Facebook page belonging to the name ‘Nadia Buari’.

The page, that has over 6400 followers, has the photos of Ghanaian actress Nadia Buari and says it is the “The ONLY official Facebook page of award winning African movie star, Nadia Buari.”

Fans of Van Vicker who saw the post started praying for him and wishing him a speedy recovery throughout the day while the report continued to spread fast on social media.

Some of them even called NEWS-ONE to verify the report, prompting the paper to place a phone call to Van Vicker’s phone to find out his condition. “These people have speculated my death more than 10 times. I do not know what they want but it could be they just want me dead. They can’t kill me. I am not even in the country so how can anyone say I had an accident on my way to church this morning. Chief, just relax and take it easy. I am fine and very healthy. There is nothing happening to me,” Van Vicker told NEWS-ONE.

The actor later took to his Facebook page to further address the issue by writing: “There is a post on an imposter’s page that I had an accident this morning on my way to church and I might die from bleeding. It is a rumour and a stunt to drive traffic to that page. I am well and in great health. Jehovah dey by my side. Stay Easy.”

Though the said page is strongly suspected to be a fake ‘Nadia Buari’, it has the exact details of the famous actress.

The Ghanaian actress has, however, not made any public comment on the incident.


Sunday 3 November 2013

Jackie Appiah finally decides to slim down

One of Ghana’s hottest demands when acting comes to mind, Jackie Appiah is said to be ‘angry’ with her current shape.

To that effect, according to sources, she has started a rigorous gym routine for over a month now.

Her mission is simple and that is to burn the excess fat which seems to take a larger toll of her recent shape.

Today she shared photos of her workout session on Instagram where she wrote: ‘Will it be easy? NOPE. Worth it? ABSOLUTELY.’

I am going to marry Nadia because my family loves her - Jim Iyke

If you are one of those who still habour doubts over Nigerian actor, Jim Iyke's true intentions for Ghanaian actress Nadia Buari, then it is time to hold your peace, as the now born again Jim has come out to say that he intends to marry Nadia because his family members love and adore her.

Jim’s stand has now become necessary as many fans of Nadia, especially in her home country, do not believe that he will marry her in the end, as some see him as a serial heart breaker who has used and dumped many ladies.

But the one-time bad boy of Nollywood movies has responded, saying that he has finally come to the point where he knows he must settle down, as he loves Nadia with all his heart.

Jim has this to say; “Yes we have discussed marriage. But we are taking it one step at a time. I am actually at a point where starting a family is becoming an attractive proposition. Nadia and I have been to Nigeria and my family members love and adore her.”

Do you still doubt Jim?

Saturday 2 November 2013

Keitta cheated with Tinny’s Ex-girlfriend - Eazzy

She’s been in the news for all the right reasons this year; from her impeccable hosting at the Ghana Music Awards, her recent banger and of course her just ended UK trip.

Sometimes being famous, talented, gorgeous and faithful is not enough to keep some men. While most men will do anything to be with a lady like Eazzy; Keitta’s reason to cheat on her can never be understood on any level. People thought it was a publicity stunt until she tweeted that she is “young, single and fab.”

The SCREAM hitmaker took to twitter to confirm the rumours of her break up with Keitta after 3years of being together; this actually got the media’s attention when they entered into last year’s BBA house as a couple!

After being spotted in clubs and raising eyebrows. It is from a great source close to Arisa that has confirmed the spewing romance between her and Keitta.

But looking at a broader picture, what could possibly make Keitta cheat on a girl as Eazzy with a 19year old first year University student. The said girl; Arisa happens to be Tinny’s Ex.

Efforts are being made to get Keitta’s side of the story, but as it stands now, Eazzy is currently promoting SCREAM remix with Skale and Bad2dabone featuring Edem.